The beginning of the week indicates good harmony between your mother and spouse. Your spouse would take care of all domestic affairs thereby making good plans for the progress and peace of family. Although support of spouse would be really satisfactory but even then you would be losing your peace of mind because of the unwanted obstacles in the settlement of domestic issues. The great recognition at work place would keep you going. The mid part of the week indicates your great compatibility with your spouse and you will be very happy as she would take proper care of your children. She would act as your best friend, guide and advisor. Your partners would prove their abilities. These days are likely to prove especially favorable for earning gains from speculative activities. The remaining days of the week are giving indications of your energy’s excessive exhaustion in handling issues related to debts, disease and legal disputes. This is a very difficult time for the health, happiness and mental state of your spouse. This is not at all a good time for partnership venture.
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